Apple isi actualizeaza oferta de produse


Apple si-a actualizat astazi Store-ul cu noi produse. iMac de 21.5 si 27 inch cu un procesor ceva mai puternic i3 si 4 Gb Ram standard (+ optiunea unui procesor i7), Magic TrackPad – un pad ca cel de laptop doar ca de dimensiuni mult mai mari ce poate inlocui mouse-ul pe un calculator, Battery Charger – un incarcator de baterii AA standard.

  • iMac — Both the 21.5-inch and 27-inch models have received a fairly significant processor bump. The 21.5-inch iMac will be available with a 3.06 GHz or 3.20 GHz Core i3 processor, the 27-inch model will also be available with the 3.20 GHz Core i3 as well as a 2.8 GHz Core i5 quad-core offering. All models will come standard with 4 GB of RAM, at least a 500 GB hard drive, and will have a hand-full of configurable options if ordered online; including a Core i7 processor.
  • Magic Trackpad — Rumored some time ago, the Magic Trackpad allows you to click, scroll, and swipe on your desktop machine just as you would on your laptop. The device is 80% larger than the trackpad on the Macbook Pro and runs on two AA batteries. Here’s Apple’s take on the new device: “Magic Trackpad gives you a whole new way to control what’s on your Mac desktop computer. When you perform gestures, you actually interact with what’s on your screen. You feel closer to your content, and moving around feels completely natural. Swiping through pages on screen is just like flipping through pages in a magazine, and inertial scrolling senses the momentum in your fingers as you move up and down a page.” The device ships in 24-hours and is priced at $69.
  • Battery Charger — An Apple branded AA battery charger was also released today, for… you know, environmental reasons and stuff. Not to much to report on it, but it looks cute.


Razvan Rosca
Fondator Scrie atunci când timpul îi permite. Axat pe partea de productivitate.