Salvarea SHSH este necesara si pentru iPhone 3G


Cydia, incepand de ieri oferta posibilitatea salvarii SHSH-ului si pentru device-urile vechi. Acesta operatiune este extrem de recomandata. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa confirmi in Cydia ca doresti acest lucru.

De ce? Apple incepand cu iOS 4.0 semneaza/verifica pe serverele sale fiecare restore. Asta inseamna ca la fel ca si iPhone 3GS si iPhone 4, device-ul nu poate fi restaurat cu o versiune inferioara de firmware (daca shsh-ul nu este salvat). Din fericire redsnow si Pwnage Tool pot trece peste aceasta verificare.

Salvarea shsh-urilor pe device-urile vechi este astfel necesara pentru a evita problemele cu restore-ul la versiunile anterioare de firmware.

Those of you with jailbroken iPhone3G and ipt2G devices may now have noticed Cydia starting to save your SHSH blobs too, just like it does for iPhone3GS, ipt3G and later devices. That’s because starting with 4.0, Apple started putting a “soft” SHSH blob check in the firmware. The SHSH blob check is very real in the sense that if iTunes can’t get your blobs (because the Apple signing window has closed), the iTunes restore will error out. But it’s “soft” in the sense that those devices can always use redsn0w or PwnageTool to get past the error (the bootroms themselves for those devices don’t require blobs to be in the firmware files, unlike the newer bootroms).Furthermore, since the 3.x IPSWs for these devices don’t enforce it, you can always restore to 3.x IPSWs outside of any signing windows.

So, Cydia is doing this to allow you to continue to use iTunes to restore to 4.x on iPhone3G and ipt2g outside of Apple’s signing window without needing to use redsn0w or PwnageTool to get around Apple’s annoying new restriction.

Via DevTeam

Razvan Rosca
Fondator Scrie atunci când timpul îi permite. Axat pe partea de productivitate.