Sherif Hashim a gasit un nou “exploit” in noul firmware 3.1.3 cu ajutorul caruia spera sa deblocheze basebandul 05.12.01

Mai multe detalii in curand

UPDATE “Exploitul” a ajuns la DevTeam! sper ca in curand vom avea unlock pe 3.1.3

Printre noutati…Apple a blocat contul lui Sherif Hashim pentru App Store.

“and guess what my apple ID was, “”, what a fool was me not to notice :))), can’t help laughing, they are babies :))) about 20 hours ago from web

“Your Apple ID was banned for security reasons”, that’s what i get when i try to go to the app store, they must be really angry :))))) about 20 hours ago from web”

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Razvan Rosca

Fondator Scrie atunci când timpul îi permite. Axat pe partea de productivitate.