Dell va lansa in cursul acestui an o tableta cu Windows 7


Isi mai aduce aminte cineva de HP Slate? Noi nu. Sau cel putin acum nu ne mai foloseste la nimic sa ne aducem aminte. Totusi Dell vrea sa reuseasca acolo unde HP a dat gres. Mai exact Dell doreste sa lanseze in 2011 un TabletPC care va rula Windows 7!

Producatorul afirma intr-un comunicat de presa:

Additionally, Dell plans to extend its existing tablet portfolio with a 10-inch, Windows 7-based business-ready tablet later this year. The upcoming tablet is designed for end-users who need greater mobility, as well as IT organizations that demand control, security, manageability and integration with existing infrastructure investments. Dell’s tablet will empower a more mobile workforce in a way that offers customers the business applications and corporate data they need, while meeting regulatory mandates and IT requirements.

Totusi unde e Windows 8, care se zvoneste ca ar fi optimizat pt. TabletPC? Cum va concura acest device cu experienta „tablet-dedicated” oferita de iOS si Android Honeycomb? Vorba românului: „om trai si om vedea!”

Sursa: Engadget
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