Previziuni pentru 2010?

Sursele si zvonurile spun ca viitorul iPhone (lansare probabila in perioada Iulie-August) va fi cu o camera de 5 Mp si cu spatiu de stocare de 64 de Gb + un nou design.

In schimb, luna Ianuarie se pare ca vine cu lansari de produse din alta arie:

Apple has rent the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco for Jaunary 25th, 26th and 27th. The last time Apple used the Yerba Buena Center was to launch the new iPod line. The rumors say Apple is going to give a “major product announcement” on January 26th. Analyst Gene Munster thinks people are a little too optimistic since it’s not entirely sure if Apple is really going to plan an event during those days.

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Razvan Rosca

Fondator Scrie atunci când timpul îi permite. Axat pe partea de productivitate.