Microsoft Office pe iPhone


Dezvoltatorii aplicatiilor Documents to Go si Microsoft Office pentru BlackBerry, Palm, Windows Mobile si Symbian pregatesc lansarea suitei si pentru platforma iPhone-ului. Un editor Office pentru Word, Excel si PowerPoint capabil sa permita manipularea oricarui document asociat.

(via Gizmodo)

• View, edit and create native Word, Excel and PowerPoint files and attachments
• Supports Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint
• Includes support for Microsoft Office Word 2007 & PowerPoint 2007
• Full featured solution with viewing AND editing functionality
• Supports file and attachments received via e-mail, Bluetooth® or media card
• Unique InTact Technology retains original document formatting of edited files
• Integrated with BlackBerry Enterprise Server and BlackBerry Internet Service for reliable and instant access to e-mail attachments
• Spell checking for word processing files
• Advanced character/font formatting
• Advanced paragraph formatting
• Insert and delete tables for word processing files
• Insert and edit auto bullets & numbers in word processing files
• Sorting in spreadsheets
• Apply cell formatting in spreadsheets
• Insert and delete worksheets
• Insert, duplicate and delete slides in presentations
• English, French, Italian, German and Spanish versions available

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