Ultimul pas catre decodarea iPhone 4


Musclenerd a postat astazi noi informatii privind progresul in ceea ce priveste procesul de decodare al noilui iPhone 4.

Musclenerd: Full i4 bars with custom „steve” background task spitting out „One more thing” http://is.gd/doJXt – all pieces in place:)

@davidamodt It means the „next step” demoed in http://is.gd/doLnz has been reached, so now there’s just 1 final step :)

Musclenerd: Next step is to keep the task backgrounded like we did for 3G/3GS http://is.gd/dh7Jh. Backgrounded task is the unlock.

Razvan Rosca
Fondator Gadget.ro. Scrie atunci când timpul îi permite. Axat pe partea de productivitate.