O discutie privata intre DevTeam si GeoHot releva faptul ca ambele parti detin un exploit pentru noul firmware si modem firmware.

Geohot a decis ca exploit-ul sa astepte un nou firmware de la Apple pentru ca vulnerabilitatea sa nu fie pierduta cu inutilul 3.1.3.

Pentru a evita lansarea a 2 metode de deblocarea folosind acelasi exploit, se pare ca isi vor uni fortele pentru a dezvolta doar unul.

Mai jos discutia IRC in limba engleza.

<visnet_> What does geohot tweet mean?
<%geohot> its my bb exploit for safekeeping
<%Par4doX> geohot: did you turn that over to the dev team or are you doing something with it?
<%geohot> my days of turning things over are done
<%geohot> i hope its different from the one they have
<%geohot> but they prob already have it
<%geohot> its the one i orig wanted to release blacksn0w with
<%Par4doX> it’s still there in the new bb
<%geohot> yep, just checked
<%geohot> but then opted to use xemn since it was public
<Evan> Oo, it carries over from 05.11 to 05.12?
<%geohot> why wouldn’t it, apple doesn’t fix things proactivly
<@MuscleNerd> geohot we prob should figure out a way to know if we have same exploit double blind, otherwise we may release 2 different ones at same time
<%geohot> any suggestions?
<@MuscleNerd> not sure how to do that without making it easy to brute force tho
<%geohot> yea, i salted the hash
<@MuscleNerd> yeah
<@MuscleNerd> hmm maybe if we both hash the stack dump
<@Confucious> Can you two take this out of public sight?
<@MuscleNerd> the stack itself, not the header before it or the registers after it
<Her> muscle: any notice about the exploits are the same ?
<%geohot> we are working on it
<%geohot> cryptography, perfect for people who don’t trust each other

(Via modmyi)

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Razvan Rosca

Fondator Gadget.ro. Scrie atunci când timpul îi permite. Axat pe partea de productivitate.