Conform ultimelor zvonuri Pegatron ( o filiala a celor de la ASUSTek) au castigat licitatia pentru fabricarea noilor modele CDMA iPhone 4G/HD si vor fi disponibile pe reteaua Verizon din aceasta toamna.
Conform Digitimes
„Pegatron has been contracted to make a CDMA iPhone, insiders claimed today. The scoop is short but would have the ASUS manufacturing arm building phones that would likely go to Verizon and possibly other carriers as well. A deal would help Pegatron take off as a major supplier.”
„Pegatron Technology has received orders for an iPhone based on CDMA from Apple with annual shipments expected to reach 10 million units. The orders should start contributing to the Taiwan-based company’s revenues in August or September, according to sources from component makers.”
Conform Wall Street Journal Apple va lansa nu unul, ci doua modele noi de iPhone! unul pentru AT&T (general use) in vara( mai exact pe 7Iunie in cadrul WWDC) si in toamna unul pentru Verizon ce va suporta CDMA
„… one of the new iPhones is being manufactured by Taiwanese contract manufacturer Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., which produced Apple’s previous iPhones. The model that has CDMA capability, used by Verizon Wireless, is being manufactured by Pegatron Technology Corp., the contract manufacturing subsidiary of Taiwan’s ASUSTeK Computer Inc”
Inca o veste buna este adusa de Electronista, care ne aduce la cunostinta faptul ca noul model iPhone CDMA nu va fi blocat in Verizon, el va fi dicponibiul si pe alte retele CDMA
„Any CDMA phone wouldn’t necessarily be tied solely to Verizon. Sprint and other, smaller CDMA carriers are eligible in the US. International shipments could also reach China Telecom, KDDI’s Au service in Japan, and either SK Telecom or LG Telecom in Korea.”