Apple ne-a anuntat cu mult timp in urma cum ca ar inchide MobileMe. Acest lucru s-a si intamplat, dat fiind ca gasim mesajul de mai jos cand incercam sa accesam site-ul
Desi MobileMe a fost inchis, inca putem migra contul in iCloud si sa accesam Find my iPhone.
Daca nu ati auzit inca de MobileMe sau vreti sa stiti ce este MobileMe, 9to5Mac au facut un mic istoric al serviciului:
MobileMe started its life as iTools, a free collection of Internet-based tools for Mac users that launched on January 5, 2000. iTools users would receive a free email address and the first iteration of iDisk, among other features. Two and a half years later, Apple rebranded the service as .Mac and added several new features to the bundle, including a virus scanner and a backup utility. While previous web-based services had been free, .Mac was the first version of the bundle to cost anything. Apple priced .Mac at 78.63€ a year–a price considered far too steep by many who criticized the limited number of services it offered.